Publications on Transgender

Resource | Publications,
The Snapshot provides an overview of the legal environments in the Asia-Pacific region to inform the issues, challenges and opportunities regarding the rights of men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women, as well as transgender and intersex persons.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
This review aims to inform and strengthen Kathmandu’s municipal HIV and rights responses for these vulnerable key populations. Government and community leaders were crucial to the review process as they provided valuable inputs that informed the recommendations.
Resource | Publications,
This is the first round of IBBS surveys among MSM/TG of Pokhara Valley and carried out under the leadership of National Center for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC) with financial and technical support from Save the Children-Global Fund.
Resource | Publications,
The Global Fund New Funding Model (NFM) is an opportunity for the community to get engaged meaningfully in country processes for a robust grant. Specifically, this report aims to look at and gather the experiences and level of participation of the MSM and Transgender community in the Philippines (New) Funding Model project development process.
Resource | Publications,
This policy brief is based on a desk review of pertinent documents, including state submissions and shadow reports from ASEAN member-states and Timor-Leste. It includes the most recent periodic reports submitted by these countries, as well as the Concluding Observations from the CEDAW Committee, which were published between 2012 and 2017.
Resource | Publications,

According to the findings from this review, KPs value and recognise PrEP as additional protection against HIV infection (part of combination prevention programme). However, the perceived benefits and concerns around PrEP were motivated by the specific needs and experiences of the different KP groups. A few cross-cutting issues emerged, highlighting areas which need to be addressed for easier PrEP uptake.

Resource | Publications,

To inform the content of the meeting, ITPC undertook a Literature Review to collate and examine views from key populations on use and access to PrEP. Key findings of the suggested that there is general acceptability and demand for PrEP among KPs as an additional option for HIV prevention within a comprehensive approach. However, there are a number of concerns, risks and barriers that will need to be addressed for successful PrEP uptake.

Resource | Laws and Policies,
This report distinguishes between “sex/gender marker change” and “name change” processes, laws and policies.
Resource | Publications,
The four days workshop in two batches was organized to reduce the impact of HIV among MSM and transgender population in South Asia.
Resource | Presentations,
From barriers to bridges: Increasing access to HIV and other health services for trans people in Asia 20 September 2017 Bangkok, Thailand