Publications on Transgender

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I was born male and identify as one. Until recently I hadn't asked myself why I had turned out this way. Yet many transpeople I know have long asked this question of themselves. What's more, there is a small army of researchers trying to uncover answers to the same question. Relatively few seem interested in going up to a trans person and simply asking him or her 'Why do you think you turned out this way?

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This regional consultation provided a space for dialogue, learning, networking, and skills building, towards enabling the expansion, strengthening and scaling up of strategies addressing sexual health and related HIV vulnerabilities in relation to males who have sex with males and transgender people. In addition, the consultation provided an opportunity to inform and develop strategic advocacy initiatives and deliberate on key policies related to these issues.

Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance: A Pilot Study in Karachi and Rawalpindi 2004-2005
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National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) along with HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project (HASP) conducted a pilot survey in Karachi and Rawalpindi to test various tools for IBBS.