Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

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This guideline is developed to ensure safe and effective use of Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). It is a local adaptation of the WHO Consolidated Guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection released in June 2013.

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For this edition, the methods of collecting information on the sources and prices of antiretrovirals (ARVs) remain the same, but information is presented in a new, shorter format focusing on a few key drug.
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How do we close the gap between the people moving forward and the people being left behind? This was the question we set out to answer in the UNAIDS Gap report. Similar to the Global report, the goal of the Gap report is to provide the best possible data, but, in addition, to give information and analysis on the people being left behind.
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In this report we examine global trends in ARV prices and assess how WHO treatment guidelines have influenced the uptake of different ARV formulations.
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This concept note describes methods to assess nationally representative levels of viral load suppression and drug resistance in adults receiving ART through the implementation of a cross-sectional survey.
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The Pacific Sexual Health and Well-Being Shared Agenda 2015–2019 is a visionary document that provides guidance and strategic direction to strengthen the sexual health response in the Pacific region.
Resource | Publications,
The HIV/AIDS Diagnostics Technology Landscape is published annually and is prepared as part of a broad and ongoing effort to understand the technology landscape for HIV/AIDS. This document is a semi-annual update on the technologies for CD4, viral load, and early infant diagnosis (EID) testing, as well as for the diagnostic pipeline.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
The Participatory Functional Review and Stock Take of Regional Networks Serving the Asia and the Pacific Region aims to understand the strategic contribution of 10 regional networks (selected by UNAIDS) over the past five years, further develop their institutional arrangements and capacities to deliver on their mandates, and strengthen their relevance and effectiveness especially their value-added to national stakeholders, donors, and the general public.
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The report provides an overview of the patent landscape with respect to a select number of antiretroviral (ARV) medicines in developing countries as of April 2014.
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Pakistan has followed the epidemic pattern typically seen elsewhere in Asia, i.e., shifting from low HIV prevalence to high prevalence concentrated among certain key populations at higher risk.