Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

Resource | Guidelines,
This document describes a process that would enable countries to respond more effectively to their respective HIV epidemics.
Resource | Publications,
Myanmar recognizes the HIV epidemic as one of its most serious health challenges: AIDS is one of the priority diseases in the National Health Plan. The country is committed to achieving a series of national and global strategic targets.
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The HLM targets and UNSC Resolution 1983 provide an opportunity to scale up universal access to HIV and AIDS related services for all uniformed service personnel and their family members and for people living with HIV and the key populations at higher risk of HIV with whom uniformed services personnel interact.
Resource | Publications,
This study is intended to inform the efforts of governments and civil society to strengthen the enabling legal environment for HIV responses. The focus is both on the content of protective laws and issues that arise in effective implementation of protective laws. Ensuring protective legislation is in place is insufficient – attention must also be paid to how the law is implemented and enforced.
Resource | Publications,
UNITAID's mission has remained constant over the years. It increases access to treatment for HIV/ AIDS, TB and malaria for people in developing countries by leveraging price reductions of quality drugs and diagnostics, which currently are unaffordable for most developing countries, and to accelerate the pace at which they are made available.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
The adult HIV prevalence at the national level has continued its steady decline from an estimated level of 0.41% in 2001 through 0.35% in 2006 to 0.27% in 2011. Similar consistent declines are noted among both men and women at the national level.
Resource | Publications,
The PLHIV Stigma Index study in Tamil Nadu is the first of its kind to quantify the stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in the state. The study was conducted between December 2010 to September 2011 and used a cross sectional design to survey a sample of 1594 people living with HIV.
Resource | Tools,
This manual is intended to be used primarily to train about the rights of people living with HIV (PLHIV), people affected by HIV and key affected populations as well as about the remedies available to protect those rights in Viet Nam.
Resource | Publications,
The People Living with HIV Stigma Index Study in Malaysia was conducted by The Positive Malaysian Treatment Access and Advocacy Group (MTAAG+) to document and measure the extent of HIV-related stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV.
Resource | Publications,
Reddress is an act or process meant to correct a situation involving the violation of a right. It could be to address a past injury or violation, or to prevent future harm. Redress is usually obtained through the courts, although there are some out-of-court mechanisms that could also result in redress.