Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

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The global Stigma Index study was designed to address the need for a quantitative recording and analysis of the different levels and types of stigma, as well as changes in trends and with time, to inform evidence-based policy and programmes.
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The second Myanmar National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2011–2015(NSP II),wasdeveloped in 2010. Progress onthe implementation of theplan is reportedon a yearly basis. The information included in this report has been provided by organizations involved in the national response to HIV and AIDS in 2012.
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HIV Sentinel Surveillance is one of the key components of second generation surveillance system in India to track the HIV epidemic in the country with the objective of understanding the level and trends of HIV epidemic among different population groups as well as to identify the spread of the epidemic to new pockets.
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The role of ACSM is crucial in achieving a world free of TB and HIV/AIDS. The aim of Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) is to support National TB and HIV/AIDS Control Programmes of the SAARC Region to combat stigma and discrimination, improve case detection and treatment adherence, empower people affected by TB and HIV/AIDS and to mobilize political commitment and resources for TB and HIV/AIDS.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
The first case of HIV in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was reported in 1987. By 2004, the country had declared a generalized epidemic, the fourth country in the Asia Pacific region to do so. 
Resource | Presentations,
Getting to Zero in Asia and the Pacific: Focus and Innovation ​​​​​​​UNAIDS Regional Management Meeting October 29, 2012
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Regional and country posters were prepared by UNAIDS Regional Support Team Asia-Pacific, UNAIDS Country Offices, and HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific.
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The delivery of HIV/STI-related services to vulnerable populations is Timor-Leste’s most obvious investment in the well being of its marginal populations. Based on trends from previous studies, HIV and STI infections amongst the target populations are increasing.
Resource | Guidelines,
Tackling stigma and discrimination for improved HIV prevention and treatment is particularly critical in Greater Mekong Region (GMR) countries of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Myanmar, and Thailand.
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The purpose of HIV sentinel survey is to track HIV infection levels through 'watch post' institutions. These sentinel institutions routinely draw blood for other purposes.