Displaying results 2051 - 2060 of 3228
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The 2013 Country Progress Report for the Republic of Vanuatu on Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR) covers the period January 2013 to December 2013. It is the fifth time Vanuatu has submitted a Country Progress Report.
This Country Report was prepared in a participatory manner and engaged a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society, development partners and people living with HIV. Stakeholders attended meetings, filled in the National Commitments and Policy Instrument (NCPI) and attended a data validation workshop in Port Villa on 20th March 2014. A list of participants consulted in preparing this report is appended.
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This report covers the progress made by the Tonga national HIV/AIDS response over the past two years (2012/13) against the global targets and commitment to the 2011 Political Declaration of HIV adopted by the UN Member States in New York. This report has been formulated through a multi-participatory process involved key stakeholders from all sectors who are proactive in various areas of care for PLWHA in Tonga. These include government and nongovernmental organizations, local non-profit associations and civil society. The reporting team consists of three members: two local consultants from the Ministry of Health and also the National HIV Coordinator.
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The National AIDS Programme (NAP) under the Ministry of Health (MoH) in collaboration with stakeholders and with support from UNAIDS, WHO and UNICEF, led the reporting process in Myanmar. The NAP has worked and consulted together with many partners to complete the data to measure progress and to produce a narrative report.
The reporting process also gained impetus from and builds upon the recently concluded mid-term review (MTR) of the National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS (2011–2015) as well as of the MTR of progress against the Ten Targets conducted in April 2013. Coverage and financial data presented in this report are part of the annual data collection cycle and was collected directly from implementing partners.
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UNAIDS provided an in-country workshop in Majuro, Marshall Islands in February to discuss the purpose of the Global AIDS Progress Report (GARP). Subsequently the focal points from Government and NGO sector agreed on a workplan for data collection, analysis and submission of the report. A small working group was nominated, and key contact points identified.
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The National Centre for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC) was entrusted with the responsibility of leading the preparation and submission of the Nepal Country AIDS Response Progress Report 2014. In January 2014, NCASC formed an Advisory Group (AG) and a Technical Working Team (TWT) along with terms of reference (ToR). The road map for the Country AIDS Response Progress (GARP) reporting process was developed in consensus with the AG and TWT. A series of consultations, key informant interviews and group discussions were conducted for the data collection process for the reporting of the core indicators and National Commitments and Policy Instruments (NCPI). A data validation workshop was held for all the stakeholders who participate in the national response to HIV/AIDS in Nepal. The draft report was shared with the stakeholders and a timeline was provided to them for submitting their comments. The relevant comments from the stakeholders were incorporated in the final report.
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Pakistan committed to respond to its national HIV epidemic by endorsing the Declaration of Commitment (DoC) of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS of 2001 and to achieve the 6th Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of ‘halting and beginning to reverse the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2015’. In 2002, the UNAIDS Secretariat and Co-sponsors developed a series of core indicators for all countries to provide consolidated progress made on specific areas of the DoC and bring uniformity to reports encompassing diverse epidemics across the globe. Pakistan has already submitted five progress reports in 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012 as per the UNGASS and Global AIDS Response Progress Report requirements. This 2014 report represents the sixth such progress report.
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The preparation of the 2013 Global AIDS Progress Report (GAPR) for Palau was facilitated and compiled by the Ministry of Health (MoH), in consultation with relevant government agencies and one non-government organization (NGO) partner involved in the response to HIV/AIDS and STIs in Palau, and with technical assistance from a UNAIDS consultant assigned to this task.
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The Global AIDS Response Progress Report (GARPR), previously referred to as the UNGASS, is due to be submitted 31st March each year. Up until 2012 these reports were every 2 years; from 2013 they are required every year. 2014 is a “full” reporting year, i.e. including the core indicators, as well as the full National Commitments and Policy Instrument (NCPI) and a narrative country progress report.
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This is the 3rd time Samoa submitted its Global AIDS Response Progress Report since its first submission in 2011.
The Global AIDS Response Progress Report is a highly regarded report with in depth analysis of core indicators that provides insight into our national efforts to alleviating HIV/AIDS through collective Prevention initiatives/programs to Treatment and Care, Enabling Environments and Program Management.
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The process and submission of Global AIDS Response Progress Report (GARPR) 2014 was led by the National HIV/AIDs and STI Prevention and Control programme (NACP), under the Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health with technical support from UNAIDS country office in Kathmandu, Nepal. The report presented is based on the consolidated findings of both the GARPR and the NCPI data, which were discussed and validated by all key stakeholders working toward the common goal of mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in the country.