Publications on Young Key Populations

In 2014, Youth LEAD strengthened YKP advocacy on major issues including: legal barriers, the National Strategic Plan, Policies and Guidelines on the HIV Response, the Global Fund funding model, sexual and reproductive health and rights, the Post 2015 development goals, as well as youth friendly testing and treatment at national levels.

2013 had seen many of Youth LEADers actively advocating for human rights, and needs in various forums, and platforms. Youth LEAD became the first youth organization to co-chair the Asia Pacific Interagency Task Team (IATT) on Young Key Populations along with UNAIDS n 2013. The IATT was fundamental in supporting development of the New Gen Asia Initiatives and a significant avenue to universalize the issue of YKP in Asia and the Pacific.

Today, 1.2 billion adolescents stand at the challenging crossroads between childhood and the adult world. Nine out of ten of these young people live in the developing world and face especially profound challenges, from obtaining an education to simply staying alive – challenges that are even more magnified for girls and young women.