Publications on Young Key Populations

In 2018, Youth LEAD conducted many new projects and activities, which will be implemented in partnership with both global and regional networks. For instance, the regional consortium for the Robert Carr Fund grant turned into a global consortium, thereby opening doors and opportunities for collaboration.

In the strategic plan you will find detailed information on the strategic development process. Throughout the strategic plan development process Youth LEAD has been able to identify five key priorities that address the needs of YKPs and AKPs. Additionally, you will see in this report how Youth LEAD’s efforts will align with other global strategies, with the Sustainable Development Goals, The Global Fund and UNAIDS priorities.

In 2016, Youth LEAD’s Strategic Plan for 2016-2018 commenced. 2017 was a year filled with achievements that aimed to target the five strategic
priorities for Youth LEAD. Each of these priorities focuses on the needs of adolescent key populations (AKPs) and YKPs in the Asia-Pacific Region.