Publications on Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)

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Men having sex with men (MSM) have continued or emerged to account for a significant proportion of newly acquired HIV infection in many areas around the world, including Hong Kong. The first PRiSM (HIV prevention and risk behavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Hong Kong) study was conducted in 2006. It was the first community-based MSM and HIV study of its kind in Hong Kong. Designed also as a regular public health surveillance programme to track the epidemic and inform intervention, the survey was repeated in 2008 and 2011.

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This is a qualitative study undertaken by Youth Voices Count as a regional network and serves the purpose of collection of data to inform future interventions and advocacy of YVC on and for young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men who use drugs in sexualized settings. This study is by no means a scientific study of this phenomenon.

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As other countries who are recipients of the Global Fund grants, Indonesia implemented the New Funding Model beginning form the country consultation processes in developing national health strategies and strengthening health and community systems. The country has added, as part of their country dialogue, the conduct of National Gender and HIV Assessment, as well as, HIV and the law/human rights legal review.