Publications on Migrants
Resource | Tools,
This is a toolkit to guide the management and implementation of HIV prevention programmes for mobile populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion. It will be used by people and organisations who already have some experience in HIV prevention, and are now ready to address the specific challenges of working with mobile populations. Specifically, the toolkit addresses ways to work with mobile groups of construction workers, truck drivers, seafarers and migrant sex workers.
Resource | Publications,
The aim of this study is to use existing information to provide a comprehensive picture of the levels, patterns, composition and trends of the various types of contemporary population mobility occurring within Indonesia, as well as from and to the country. Insofar as it is possible using existing data, the study aims to indicate how population mobility in Indonesia is linked to the existing and likely future diffusion of HIV/AIDS.
Resource | Publications,
Every year, over one million people emigrate permanently and in most years, nearly as many seek asylum. If we include in-country mobility, then there are probably two billion people on the move globally each year. This paper addresses some of the issues involved in relation to the rights of migrants to health.