Publications on Migrants

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The Arab States are the primary destinations for many migrant workers from various countries in Asia, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Of these migrants, many are women: in 2005, 59 percent of Sri Lankan migrant workers were women, of which 90 percent were domestic workers, largely in the Arab States. Since 2000, women have comprised 90 percent of yearly deployment of new hires for service workers in the Philippines, of which 30 percent are employed as domestic help.

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Women make up nearly half of all migrants, an estimated 95 million of 191 million people living outside their countries of origin in 2005.1 Having said this, after many years of observing migration and collecting data there is remarkably little reliable information about women as migrants.

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The UNDP Regional HIV and Development Programme in partnership with Asia Pacific Migration Network (APMRN) commissioned this study to undertake a systematic review of the existing knowledge on migration routes and processes, trafficking routes, the conditions under which men and women move, their living and working conditions, and their vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS.

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With rapid and steady economic growth since the mid 1980s, the South Korean work force is increasingly avoiding the so-called 3D (difficult, dirty, and dangerous) jobs, causing an imbalance in the supply and demand of labor. This situation has attracted a great number of migrant workers to the Republic of Korea since the late 1980s.

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The HIV epidemic in Vietnam is growing, and promotion of prevention behavior among vulnerable populations, such as migrant workers, is becoming increasingly critical. In Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the locus of the epidemic in Vietnam, efforts have been under way for several years to implement prevention efforts for migrant worker populations.

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This study was carried out to determine HIV/STI prevalence rates among both migrant and nonmigrant males from two VDCs of Kailali district in far-western Nepal. It was further set up to measure the extent of relationship between the rates and risk behaviors and to ascertain the extent of linkage between migration and HIV/STI transmission in the area.