Publications on Key Populations

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The first case of HIV in Bangladesh was detected in 1989. since then, the number of HIV cases has grown and by December 2009 and estimated 6,300 [5,200-8,300] adults and children were living with HIV.
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This document highlights the SAARC regional context and points out major TB, HIV/AIDS and TB/HIV co-infection status and concerns, outlines strategy goal, objectives and expected outcomes. This document also explains the Strategy on the basis of its five different components.
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Myanmar surveillance data and epidemiological models suggest a decreasing trend in HIV prevalence in the general population aged 15-49 from 0.8% in 2001 to 0.6% in 2009.
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While it has remained a low prevalence country with the number of adults and children living with HIV estimated to be less than 500, the number has been increasing with 92% of all cases reported in the last five years, a cumulative of 62 reported HIV cases.
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This paper aims to understand the linkages between violence and the reproductive health and HIV risks among a group of mobile FSWs in India.
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This report presents the data and key findings emerging through the mapping and size estimation exercise of the male sex worker, transgender and their clients (MTCs).
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The recent HIV estimations highlight an overall reduction in adult HIV prevalence as well as new infections (HIV incidence) in the country, although variations exist across the states. The analysis of epidemic projections has revealed that the number of annual new HIV infections has declined by more than 50 percent during the last decade.
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From June 2009 to February 2010, Vietnam’s second round of integrated HIV/STI biological and behavioral surveillance (IBBS) was conducted among select population groups.
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Askim na Save (Ask and Understand): People who sell and exchange sex in Port Moresby is a comprehensive bio-behavioural study of sex work in Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea.
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The overall aim of the research was to fill gaps in information on HIV and STI prevalence and risk behaviours among MSM and TG in Vanuatu through Integrated Bio‐Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) and support interventions in Vanuatu.