Publications on Key Populations

Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
The 2017 country snapshot prepared by UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific and AIDS Data Hub provides information on the HIV epidemic and response in the Philippines.
Resource | Publications,
Like all people, if LGBTIQ people are to achieve wellbeing and be respected and given worth in society they need to be assured of human rights and protections. LGBTIQ people are often discriminated against for who they are. This happens in their homes, at schools or colleges, at workplaces, in housing, and while accessing healthcare. National human rights institutions (NHRIs) can be approached by the victimised LGBTIQ people (or through their representatives) who seek to complain about rights violations that they have experienced.
Resource | Publications,
The guidance provides the rationale and the approach to expand differentiated ART delivery to populations of people living with HIV who previously may not have been considered “eligible” for ART delivery models for clinically stable clients.
Resource | Guidelines,
The guidelines fill a gap in providing tools for surveying HIV prevalence in key populations, and the included questionnaires may also inform general population surveys.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This is the sixth round of the Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) survey conducted as a part of the national surveillance plan of NCASC among the Male Labour Migrants (MLMs).
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
The 2017 country snapshot prepared by UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific and AIDS Data Hub provides information on the HIV epidemic and response in Viet Nam.
Resource | Guidelines,
The World Health Organization End TB Strategy is fully aligned with the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Resource | Publications,
Non-discrimination is a core human rights principle and obligation, but discrimination in health-care settings remains widespread and takes many forms. Discrimination is a barrier to accessing health and community services and prevents the attainment of universal health coverage. It leads to poor health outcomes and hampers efforts to end the aids epidemic and achieve healthy lives for all.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This is the seventh round of the IBBS study conducted among PWIDs in Eastern Terai highway districts of Nepal.
Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
UNAIDS Snapshot 2017: HIV epidemic in Asia and the Pacific is an interactive report with colourful infographics and bite-size information on the HIV epidemic and response on key populations at higher risk of HIV in Asia and the Pacific.