Publications on Key Populations

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Participants from many parts of the world, with different expertise and engagements with the HIV and theHCV gathered at the Wilton Park facility of the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) on 26-28 February 2018 to consider ways of slowing the epidemics amongst PWIDs.
Resource | Laws and Policies,
At the request of Asia Catalyst, the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice worked with two law firms and four local offices of these law firms to conduct a literature review on the legal provisions governing police arrests and compulsory detention of sex workers in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

Men having sex with men (MSM) have continued or emerged to account for a significant proportion of newly acquired HIV infection in many areas around the world, including Hong Kong. The first PRiSM (HIV prevention and risk behavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Hong Kong) study was conducted in 2006. It was the first community-based MSM and HIV study of its kind in Hong Kong. Designed also as a regular public health surveillance programme to track the epidemic and inform intervention, the survey was repeated in 2008 and 2011.

Resource | Laws and Policies,
The Legal Gender Recognition in the Philippines: A Legal and Policy Review is the cumulative result of the desk review of laws, regulations, and policies regarding legal gender recognition in the Philippines.
Resource | Fact Sheets,

Male-to-female transgender or transgender women (TGW) has been a neglected and hard-to-reach community, yet various overseas studies have shown that their HIV prevalence can be high. To better study the situation in Hong Kong, Special Preventive Programme of the Department of Health (DH) has included TGW as one distinct at-risk population to be covered in the HIV/AIDS Response Indicator Survey (HARiS, a venue-base survey) since 2014. It is the first time DH included TGW in PRiSM (HIV prevention and risk behavioural survey of men who have sex with men in Hong Kong).

Resource | Fact Sheets,
This fact sheet provides an overview of the situation faced by LGBT persons in Indonesia amidst increasing violence and hate perpetrated both by government and non-state actors. This is written for civil society organizations and other interested groups who need reliable and summarized information to guide them in developing their advocacy plans.
Resource | Publications,
This is a qualitative study undertaken by Youth Voices Count as a regional network and serves the purpose of collection of data to inform future interventions and advocacy of YVC on and for young gay, bisexual men and other young men who have sex with men who use drugs in sexualized settings. This study is by no means a scientific study of this phenomenon.
Resource | Publications,
Linkages across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV Project (LINKAGES), is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Resource | Publications,
Global Prison Trends 2018 is the fourth edition in Penal Reform International’s annual series, published in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice.
Resource | Publications,
Between 2010 and 2016, Asia and the Pacific registered one of the steepest declines in HIV infections globally, with prevalence rates dropping by approximately 13%.