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Displaying results 3951 - 3960 of 4914

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• Forecasting, budgeting, costing • Unit costing • Linkages • Costing procedures • Resource tracking • Targets • Cost effectiveness • Minimum package of services • Financial gap analysis
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Presentation on Integrating Gender Perspectives and Programs into Costing of HIV Responses at the Expert Consultation on Costing HIV Responses in Asia – Pacific, 29 October 2010
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It is important to develop harmonized guidance on the appropriate tools for costing the HIV response mainly because: a. There are costing tools better suited for certain purposes than for others b. Different Technical Support providers prefer using their own costing tools c. Costing tools of different donor agencies may conflict with those normally used by the govt. d. Each donor agency has its own costing guidelines, which may confuse some country programs e. Country capacity building in costing would be facilitated
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This is a presentation on the Introduction to the Asian HIV/AIDS Resource Needs Estimation and Costing Model (The Asian Model). This was presented during the Expert Consultation on Costing HIV Responses in Asia-Pacific, 28-29 October 2010.
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This is a presentation on the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks (Sri Lanka Example). This was presented at the Amari Watergate Hotel on 27-29 October 2010.
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What is the goal of scenario building in HIV? • To help decision makers understand the consequences of their actions and their impact on the HIV epidemic • To provide them the information (costs, infections averted, approaches needed, etc.) to make decisions with maximum effects
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Presentation on Country Costing Needs or Whose Reality Counts? at UCC Thailand 28-29 October 2010
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- To share our economic analysis of Avahan and costing methods on a technical level - To disseminate the results of this effort (STI BMJ Published article) and also preliminary aggregated analysis for 4 years - To discuss how our work could be shared with to inform evaluation data needs
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Purpose: • Estimate costs of a comprehensive national response to HIV & AIDS • Typically used to cost national strategic plans or national programs • Time horizon: 5-6 years, although has been used for longer