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This report describes the achievement of program implementation on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention, care, support and treatment during the year 2020. The report intended to aggregate data and information collected from all OI/ART, VCCT, B-IACM, Family Health Clinics, and PMTCT sites from the country to be represented as the National Comprehensive Report for the health sector response to HIV/AIDS and STI in Cambodia. The following sections reported the main programs areas implemented in this year that are including: A) General report related to programme management and implementation; B) Results from health service deliveries; C) Challenges and constraint; D). Lesson Learned; E). Conclusion and recommendation, etc. 
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The new strategic plan reflects a changing world, and as we accelerate our efforts, transform our programmes, and motivate new partners we will prioritize the needs of people left furthest behind – particularly those living in poverty or with disabilities, people of African descent or from indigenous communities, LGBTQI+ people and the most vulnerable women and girls. And these results cannot be achieved without an increased focus on the rights and inclusive participation of women, adolescents and youth as agents of change.
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This report maps the depth and breadth of UNFPA programming to eliminate gender-based violence (GBV), implemented over 2018 to 2020. The mapping exercise sought to determine the strengths in UNFPA's work in ending GBV as well as providing the analysis to support opportunities for increased investment in the quality and coverage of programming.
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Gender mainstreaming continues to be the core strategy for accelerating progress on gender equality and the empowerment of women. This handbook aims to encourage and support more systematic and effective gender mainstreaming for the achievement of gender equality throughout the United Nations system and within all sectors.
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In 2020–2021 multiple challenges converged to threaten progress on the 2030 Agenda, and a range of multidimensional risks and interconnected crises threatened the very core of human health and that of the planet. The HIV and Health Annual Report provides a snapshot of the results achieved for the people we serve in three key areas: reducing inequalities and exclusion that drive HIV and poor health; promoting effective and inclusive governance for health; and building resilient and sustainable systems for health.
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The United Nations General Assembly’s 2021 Political Declaration on AIDS features bold global commitments and targets for 2025 that are ambitious but achievable if countries and communities follow the evidence-informed guidance within the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026. This UNAIDS publication provides a summary of those commitments and targets to get every country and every community on-track to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
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This report provides projections of the future demand for HIV diagnostic tests through 2025. The projections will  enable efficient planning by manufacturers and procurement organizations in securing and ensuring funding for production and supply security.   The projections are based on country reports to the Global AIDS Monitoring system, purchases reported to the Global Price Reporting Mechanism, and forecasts and historical testing volumes of high burden countries. 
Resource | Publications,
This report aims to provide countries and suppliers with estimates of the global market for antiretroviral (ARV) medicines in low- and middle-income countries for 2020-2024. It includes estimates of the global demand for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and ARVs for adults receiving first-line ART to enable suppliers to plan and manage their manufacturing capacities accordingly. 
Resource | Publications,
By the end of 2020, over 25 million people were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in low- and middle-income countries. This report aims to provide countries and suppliers with estimates of the global market for antiretroviral (ARV) medicines in low- and middle-income countries for 2021–2025. The report includes estimates of the global demand for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and ARV formulations for adults receiving first-line treatment to enable suppliers to plan adjustments to their manufacturing capacity and processes.
Resource | Publications,
The indicators and questions in this document are designed for use by national AIDS programmes and partners to assess the state of a country’s HIV and AIDS response, and to measure progress towards achieving national HIV targets. Countries are encouraged to integrate these indicators and questions into their ongoing monitoring efforts and to report comprehensive national data through the Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process. In this way they will contribute to improving understanding of the global response to the HIV epidemic, including progress that has been made towards achieving the commitments and global targets set out in the new Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, adopted in June 2021, and the linked Sustainable Development Goals.