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Resource | Fact Sheets,
In April 2015, there were 560 new HIV Ab sero-positive individuals (Table 1). This was 42% higher compared to the same period last year (393) [Figure 1]. Most (94%) of the cases were still asymptomatic at the time of reporting (Figure 3).
Resource | Publications,
The 2014 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) is the seventh national-level demographic and health survey designed to provide information on demographic status, family planning, maternal health, and children's health and nutritional status. The BDHS included a household survey of ever married women age 15-49. The survey also included a community questionnaire administered during the listing of households to informants in communities around the sample points from which the households were selected. This report presents major findings from data collected in the household survey using the Household Questionnaire and the Woman's Questionnaire. A more comprehensive and detailed report is scheduled for release later in 2015. The data in the final report are not expected to differ substantially from the findings presented in this key indicators report; however, the results presented here should be regarded as provisional and may be subject to modification. To examine trends, the findings from the 2014 survey have been compared with similar indicators from past surveys.
Resource | Publications,
A survey was conducted in countries in all six WHO regions and focused on the building blocks that are considered prerequisites to combat antimicrobial resistance: a comprehensive national plan, laboratory capacity to undertake surveillance for resistant microorganisms, access to safe, effective antimicrobial medicines, control of the misuse of these medicines, awareness and understanding among the general public and effective infection prevention and control programmes.
Resource | Publications,
This report provides mapping, and biological and behavioral information related to HIV infection among four most at risk populations: Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Male Sex Workers (MSWs), Hijra Sex Workers (HSWs), and Female Sex Workers (FSWs). The data presented here were collected during Punjab IBBS – Round 2014, conducted between June – November 2014. The IBBS was preceded by mapping among MARPs, across ten cities in Punjab. The cities included Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Sargodha, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Gujrat, Sheikhupura, Mandi Bahaudin, and Dera Ghazi Khan. The results from these mapping activities are presented in a separate report1. The mapping data provided sampling frames, diverse sampling techniques were used to draw representative samples of the MARPs from selected cities for IBBS.
Resource | Publications,
This report examines the resource challenges that confront the AIDS response in Asia and the Pacific. It proposes a set of interventions that will help overcome them and steer the region towards ending its AIDS epidemic. The report summarizes the analysis done by an independent, expert advisory panel on AIDS funding in Asia and the Pacific, convened jointly by UNAIDS and the World Bank in August 2013. The Expert Panel was tasked with reviewing the prospects for ending the region’s AIDS epidemic in the context of changing global economy and external funding environment.
Resource | Publications,
This GARPR Report for 2014 demonstrates and summarizes the overall national efforts undertaken in development of relevant policies and progress in programme implementation and their contribution to the overall response to AIDS, as well as further underlying challenges that need to be addressed to halt the spread of HIV/AIDSin our country. This report also reflects the challenges in securing sustainable funding for prevention, treatment, care and support of HIV/AIDS by the Government due to the influence of the economic crisis.
Resource | Publications,
This document outlines the progress and achievements made towards the HIV response in the Cook Islands and highlight the on-going partnerships between civil society organizations and government. The National Response primary focus is on prevention and ensuring that all pregnant women are tested for HIV, and ensuring access to ART. This aligns well with the Ministry of Health's mission statement "to provide accessible, affordable halt care and equitable health services of the highest quality, by and for all in order to improve the health status of people living in the Cook Islands".
Resource | Publications,
The Global AIDS Response Progress Report (GARPR) 2015 was led by the National HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Control Programme (NACP) with technical support from the UNAIDS Country Office in Kathmandu, Nepal. The progress report presented here is based on the consolidated findings from the recently completed country exercise of preparing the Global Fund concept note; the national review, wider consultations and inputs from all the relevant stakeholders; from EDPs; People Living with HIV, and Civil Society Organizations in Bhutan.
Resource | Publications,
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MoHMS) through the Family Health Unit is carrying out a data verification process to confirm the number of patients of the cumulative figure that are living or have died. At the completion of this verification process, Fiji will be able to determine the number of HIV confirmed cases that are still living and how many had succumbed due to AIDS related illness or death of any kind.
Resource | Publications,
The Hong Kong STD/AIDS update is a composite report on HIV/AIDS reporting and STI caseload statistics published 3 monthly. The current issue has the updated information up to March 2015.