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Resource | Presentations,
Get an overview of the HIV/AIDS situation for Other women and men at higher risk in the Asia-Pacific region. Browse and view charts and graphs illustrating data on this population's HIV prevalence and epidemiology, risk behaviors, vulnerability and HIV knowledge, and national response.
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Presentations,
DDC, MOPH 24 Sep 2015  
Resource | Presentations,
PrEPARING ASIA: A New Direction for HIV Prevention among MSM in Asia Regional Consultation September 2015 Bangkok
Resource | Publications,
We have made incredible progress in the global fight against HIV/AIDS. But we are starting to see a dangerous level of complacency which threatens to reverse the real achievements made so far. The world stands at a critical juncture: if we act with urgency in the next five years, we could end AIDS as an epidemic by 2030. But achieving this goal will require $12 billion annually more by 2020, targeted more effectively to reach the most vulnerable. Our new report calls on governments to prioritize support for the Global Fund; leaders in sub-Saharan Africa to invest more domestic resources in health; and the private sector to play a greater role.