Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission Publications

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Cambodia has set a goal to eliminate MTCT of HIV by 2025. Of the five process indicators by WHO to be elimination-certified, the first indicator of ≥95% ANC coverage, has already been achieved. Substantial progress has also been made towards the other four indicators. However, the data systems to validate elimination are not yet fully in place, systems have not yet been developed to ensure delivery of PMTCT services for women who receive ANC and maternity care in both public and private sector, laboratory systems need further strengthening, and human rights, gender equality and community engagement considerations have not yet been fully assessed. For these reasons, a pre-elimination strategy is needed from 2017-2020, prior to the full elimination strategy.
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The 2016-17 MDHS was the second DHS survey to be conducted in the Maldives in collaboration with the worldwide Demographic and Health Surveys Program. Fieldwork for the survey was carried out from 17 March 2016 to 27 November 2017 covering a national sample of over 6,000 households.

Resource | Infographics,
Infographic on hepatitis produced by WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
Resource | Guidelines,
This guideline provides updated recommendations for syphilis screening and treatment for pregnant women based on the most recent evidence and available serologic tests for syphilis.
Resource | Publications,
Drawing upon the Global Health Sector Strategy for Viral Hepatitis (2016–2021) and using the framework of universal health coverage to ensure that no one is left behind, the Action Plan provides a roadmap for priority areas of focus and interventions within the health and related sectors that are needed at the national level to mount an effective and efficient response to prevention, diagnosis, management and care of viral hepatitis.
Resource | Publications,
The report focuses on hepatitis B and C, which are responsible for 96% of all hepatitis mortality.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
The shared maternal, newborn and child health platform can coordinate and integrate interventions to achieve efficiencies and cost-effectively prevent these infections to achieve elimination.
Resource | Tools,
This implementation tool describes the recommended approaches for routine monitoring of toxicity integrated with the national monitoring and evaluation system and targeted approaches to monitoring toxicity to enable enhanced monitoring and reporting of treatment-limiting toxicity to support country implementation and generation of local data.
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Viral hepatitis is more prevalent in Asia than other regions. From the survey done among the general population in 2015 in Myanmar, the prevalence of hepatitis B was 6.5% and hepatitis C was 2.7%.

The 67th World Health Assembly in May 2014 approved a resolution to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis. In November 2014, Myanmar initiated the establishment of a National Hepatitis Control
Program (NHCP) following the resolution set up by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Resource | Publications,
The year 2016 represented a transition in many ways for the global HIV response. Some changes and developments were unequivocally positive, while the impact of others remains uncertain.