Displaying results 791 - 800 of 3228
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The gender assessment tool for national HIV responses (GAT) is intended to assist countries in assessing the HIV epidemic, context and response from a gender perspective and in making the responses gender transformative, equitable and rights based. The GAT is designed to support the development or review of national strategic plans and to inform submissions to country investment cases and the (Global Fund).
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In the strategic plan you will find detailed information on the strategic development process. Throughout the strategic plan development process Youth LEAD has been able to identify five key priorities that address the needs of YKPs and AKPs. Additionally, you will see in this report how Youth LEAD’s efforts will align with other global strategies, with the Sustainable Development Goals, The Global Fund and UNAIDS priorities.
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World Report 2019 is Human Rights Watch’s 29th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. It summarizes key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide, drawing on events from late 2017 through November 2018.
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Through its Country Offices, UNAIDS is very much at the centre of providing strategic support to national counterparts in the development of national strategic plans and Global Fund grant proposals and is actively engaged in grant negotiations through inclusive participatory processes with all stakeholders and community networks.
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The general objectives of the study are to determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis and syphilis among FSWs working in the highway areas of Nepal's Terai extending from the east to the far west; and to determine the prevalence of HIV and syphilis among the truckers operating on the eastern highway routes of Nepal.
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The purpose of this publication is to present a synthesis and new analysis of the available evidence on school violence and bullying, based on the latest and most comprehensive data. The aim is to raise awareness, share lessons learned and encourage countries to take evidence-based action to prevent and respond effectively to school violence and bullying.
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The Hong Kong STD/AIDS update is a composite report on HIV/AIDS reporting and STI caseload statistics published 3 monthly. The current issue has the updated information up to September 2018.
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Almost a decade ago, the international community agreed upon a Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem. The Declaration included the decision to establish 2019 as the target date for the goals set within it, specifically for states to ‘eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably’ the illicit cultivation, production, trafficking and use of internationally controlled substances, the diversion of precursors and money laundering.
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This document provides paediatric HIV programme managers with an overview of how paediatric and adolescent estimates are produced, what the technical challenges and gaps in the data are, how those challenges are being addressed and what paediatric HIV programme managers and monitoring officers can do to improve their national estimates of the number of children and adolescents living with HIV.
Robust estimates of the number of children and adolescents living with HIV are critical to determining HIV treatment needs and gaps among children. Estimates of the number of new child HIV infections provide evidence of the impact of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services. These data are also used to help to plan, advocate, monitor, evaluate, strategize and allocate resources appropriately. However, producing strategic information about the HIV epidemic among children can be challenging.
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This publication documents the current scenario and future trajectory of the AIDS epidemic, with a special focus on the role of key populations and the recommendations of a brainstorming session in which participants engaged in “out-of-the-box” thinking aimed at ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Convened by WHO South-East Asia, along with key stakeholders, experts and community representatives, and held in New Delhi, India, the meeting examined the latest trends in Asia’s HIV epidemic and response, discussed ongoing and emerging challenges, and proposed a series of actions that would put all countries on track to end the HIV epidemic by 2030.