
Displaying results 2401 - 2410 of 3230

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This report details the findings of the fifth round of the IBBS conducted among 340 male IDUs in the Kathmandu Valley, recruited using Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). A structured questionnaire was administered to the respondents at a centrally located survey center. The questionnaire collected information on sexual behavior and HIV/AIDS awareness as well as socio-demographics. After the interview, clinical examinations were conducted by a Health Assistant and blood samples were collected for HIV and syphilis testing by a lab technician. The test results were provided in coordination with pre- and post-test counseling by a trained counselor in the survey center.
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The findings of this report are a testament to the history and commitment of the Lao PDR Government and its partners to responding to HIV. The Lao PDR Government formally mobilized a response to HIV in 1993. It now has a National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS, STI for 2006-2010 and a National Committee for the Control of AIDS with representatives of key Government Ministries. The National Strategic Plan includes targets for universal access to treatment, care and support with international donors, through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), contributing substantially to this goal.  Adolescents and young people at risk of HIV in Lao PDR include young sex workers, injecting drug users (IDUs), young gay men, other young men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people (TG). This report summarizes key issues to be considered in programme design and implementation for most-at-risk adolescents (MARA) and most-at-risk young people (MARYP), and proposes new areas of research on MARA/MARYP.
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Various surveys and studies (e.g. Barbora et al., 2008; Theime, 2006) reveal that migrants are disadvantaged relative to the native population in terms of employment, education and health. While their contributions are often key to the survival of families and communities back home, those who move and those who remain face many vulnerabilities.
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Since 1992, the National AIDS Programme has been carrying out the yearly HIV Sentinel Serosurveillance (HSS) among selected (8) sentinel groups. In fact, HSS is the systematic and regular collection of information on the occurrence, distribution and trends of HIV infection and factors associated with the infection for use in Public Health Action.
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A key indicator of success of HIV prevention programmes is the number of female sex worker (FSW) sex acts protected by condoms. This measure usually relies on FSW reports, which may be biased. We examined condom availability data in five Karnataka districts to estimate the proportion of FSW sex acts potentially protected by condoms.
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Documenting the implementation of a public health programme as per its design is critical to interpretation of results from survey-led outcome and impact evaluation activities, the authors describe the scale-up and coverage of large-scale HIV-prevention services provided to female sex workers (FSWs) and high-risk men who have sex with men (HR-MSM) during the first 5 years of the Avahan programme in India.
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The past decade has held high hopes for reducing the rate of new HIV infections among young people. In 2000, world leaders adopted the Millennium Declaration, affirming their collective responsibility to ensure equitable development for all people, especially children and the most vulnerable, in the 21st century.
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Available data on HIV prevalence in Papua New Guinea (PNG) indicates that the country is on the verge of a generalized HIV epidemic. As of March 2010, prevalence among the general population was 0.79% while risk groups have a higher prevalence ranging between 4.3% among men who have sex with men (MSM) and 5.9% among female sex workers (FSW). The objective of the USAID/FHI behavioral surveillance survey (BSS) was to collect and analyze information about most-at-risk populations (MARPs) in Port Moresby (POM), Papua New Guinea (PNG) in order to better understand how HIV is transmitted in the country; how transactional sex contributes to the HIV epidemic there; and to help assess the outcomes of HIV outreach and prevention efforts.
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The National statistics Bureau conducted the Bhutan Multiple Indicator Survey between March and August, 2010. The survey’s main objective is to provide up-to-date information on the situation of children and women in Bhutan. The survey is also aimed at furnishing data required for monitoring progress towards the MDGs, the goals of A World Fit for Children and other international goals. It is hoped that the findings will serve as a basis for equity-based programming, as well as contribute towards the improvement of data and monitoring systems in Bhutan. It will also help to strengthen technical expertise in the design, implementation, and data analysis of similar surveys in future.
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The aim of the Vanuatu National Survey on Women's Lives and Family Relationships was to conduct a population-based study to provide a reliable benchmark of the prevalence and incidence of violence against women in Vanuatu, and on attitudes to violence including: health and other effects of violence on women and children; risk and protective factors in the family and the community; coping strategies of women; and the implications for prevention and support services. This report presents findings from the survey, which was conducted by the Vanuatu Women’s Centre (VWC) in partnership with the Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO) from March to May 2009. This is the first nation-wide study that has been undertaken in Vanuatu on violence against women and attitudes to women’s human rights.