Publications on Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)
Resource | Publications,
Started in 2005, the Thailand Ministry of Public Heath by Bureau of AIDS and STI, the A2 Thailand and the Thai Working Group on HIV/AIDS Projections (2005) presented the HIV projection for HIV/AIDS in Thailand 2005-2025 using the Asian Epidemic Model. The results had been used to guide the National Strategic Plan.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
Of the estimated 810 000 PLHIV, an estimated 46.9% contracted HIV through heterosexual contact, 20.3% through male‐to‐male sex, 25.7% through injecting drug use, 6.0% through former plasma donation or receipt of contaminated blood/blood products, and 1.1% through mother to child transmission (MTCT). There are significant increases in MSM transmission.