Publications on Key Populations

Resource | Reviews and Snapshots,
Snapshot of HIV and AIDS in Malaysia 2013 captures the latest national HIV and AIDS surveillance data by the Ministry of Health.
Resource | Publications,
In 2011, the fourth round of the Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance (IHBSS) was led by the Department of Health.
Resource | Infographics,
Data on key populations from 2008 to 2013 show how gender-based violence works as a cause and consequence of HIV in the Asia and the Pacific.
Resource | Publications,
This report examines the Custody and Education system. This report analyzes China’s relevant laws and policies, as well as documentary data from inside and outside of China.
Resource | Publications,
The report aims to demonstrate the role of media in reflecting and perpetuating stigma and discrimination against key affected population and people living with HIV.
Resource | Publications,
The Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR) of Mahidol University was selected by the National Committee for the Advancement of AIDS Prevention and the National AIDS Management Center (NAMc) to implement the Evaluation of the National HIV Prevention Program among Key Affected Populations and Prisoners in Thailand during 2010-2013.
Resource | Publications,
The adopted definition states that transgender people are: “Persons who identify themselves in a different gender rather than that assigned to them at birth” and may choose to “express their identity differently to that expected of the gender role assigned to them at birth.” Transgender people in the region “often identify themselves in ways that are locally, socially, culturally, religiously, or spiritually defined,” using local terminology and indigenous labels, despite these terms often being derogatory and marginalizing. A report in 2012 documented 50 such different terms for transgender people across 16 countries.
Resource | Publications,
This report was commissioned by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), with the support of Australian Aid, for the purpose of developing a better understanding of drug policy advocacy activity in 10 Asian countries.
Resource | Publications,
This discussion paper examines why Islam matters in preventing HIV, what Islam and Muslim scholars say about MSM and transgender people, as well as how this impacts on the lives of MSM and transgender people and their access to health services.
Resource | Presentations,
Behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) has been conducted by NCHADS to document behavior changes among sentinel groups since 1997.