Indonesia Country Snapshots

Reviews and Snapshots |
The 2016 country snapshot prepared by UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific and AIDS Data Hub provides information on the HIV epidemic and response in Indonesia.
Fact Sheets |
Indonesia country poster prepared by UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific and Data Hub.
Fact Sheets |
Indonesia fact sheets on estimated number of adolescents living with HIV 2013. The fact sheets provide information on adolescent HIV trends, distribution of adolescent AIDS-related deaths, HIV treatment for adolescents, adolescent knowledge, testing and behavior related to HIV and adolescent key population.
Reviews and Snapshots |
The MSM Country Snapshots is a new publication series that disseminates strategic information on HIV and men who have sex with men (MSM) in Asia and the Pacific.
Reviews and Snapshots |
Since 1987, when the first case of HIV was reported, the rapidly increasing number of new HIV infections in Indonesia makes the epidemic one of the fastest growing in Asia.