We want PrEP: A Qualitative Analysis of Adolescent Gay, MSM and Transgender People's Willingness to Use PrEP

Publications - Released in 2018

This small scale research project which included an online survey and 4 Focus Group Discussions (FGD) was conducted by Youth Voices Count (YVC) with the support of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office in order to explore the preparedness and willingness of adolescent gay, MSM and transgender women to use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as an additional prevention method to protect themselves from HIV. The online survey was disseminated in Bangkok, Ho Chi Min, Jakarta and Manila through online platforms and the FGDs were conducted in the same cities with 5–7 gay, MSM and transgender female adolescents between the ages of 15–19.

83% of the adolescents who participated in the online survey mentioned that they are willing to use PrEP as an additional prevention method to protect themselves from HIV. The output of FGDs revealed similar insights. The factors that contribute to PrEP acceptability among adolescents include the ability to engage in safer sex with PrEP, cost-free provision of PrEP, community and family support and friendly and confidential sexual health services.

As challenges to using PrEP to avoid HIV infections, the participants of the online survey and the FGDs recognized lack of awareness of PrEP among adolescents, disapproval from parents, stigma and discrimination associated with key populations, unfriendly sexual health services, general lack of personal health-seeking behaviors, and difficulties in adhering to a daily pill.

The adolescents recognized two key sources of accessing information on PrEP. These include (1) Internet – social media platforms and websites and (2) Community organizations. They also recognized community service delivery points including community led clinics as their preferred point of accessing PrEP and other required testing for PrEP.




  • Youth Voices Count