Training Module on HIV/AIDS: Mainstreaming Cell

Tools - Released in 2016

HIV/AIDS is not a mere health issue as its occurrence is influenced by a number of socio-economic elements. Health interventions alone, therefore, cannot lead to prevention. HIV prevention requires a concerted collaborative effort from all departments, institutions or organizations in public life through their work and programmes.

Mainstreaming approaches to HIV have increasingly gained ground with the realization that the non-health sector can play an important and meaningful role in reducing vulnerability to HIV and mitigating its impact on those infected and affected. Though HIV is preventable, currently there is no cure for it. It can be best described as “a manageable condition”. In this scenario, mainstreaming and partnership for risk reduction, social protection, access to service and stigma reduction, become key policy tools to help communities become resilient and cope better.

This guide is part of effort to enhance participant’s understanding on issue of HIV and AIDS and strengthen institutional capacity to reduce vulnerability, integration of services and social protection for People Living with HIV and Most at risk population.


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  • National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)