STI Epidemiological Update for Pacific Island Countries 2009

Publications - Released in 2010

While Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) have been collecting HIV and AIDS case data for many years, 2009 was the first year in which routine data on other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were collected and reported. Eleven PICTs with access to laboratory testing facilities (either in country or by referral) reported on three STIs; chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.

STIs are an important cause of morbidity in adults and also infants born to infected parents. While many chlamydia infections are asymptomatic, if left untreated, both chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. They may also cause conjunctivitis and pneumonia in newborns. Syphilis can cause miscarriage, stillbirth and congenital syphilis. The latter may cause irreversible damage to cardiovascular and nervous system of the newborn infected child. Amongst both men and women, HIV transmission is facilitated by the presence of any STI, including asymptomatic chlamydia.



  • Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)