The Paradigm Shift 2016-2020: Global Plan to End TB

Publications - Released in 2015

When the world first set out to eradicate smallpox nearly 50 years ago, many felt it was not possible, and some were even strongly against the idea. Visionaries in the early global AIDS response were also met with resistance when they suggested that AIDS medicines could be provided to all who needed them regardless of their income or status in society. As with those who doubted the eradication of small pox was possible, they were proven wrong. 

What shifted and made these successes possible? It was the belief that change was not only possible, but necessary.

These are the questions that The Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020: The Paradigm Shift seeks to answer. It is an ambitious plan of action that provides a blueprint for the TB community to drive bold action and ambitious change. A Task Force of world renowned experts and a wide community of dedicated people working on TB came together to contribute to the development of this plan.


  • Stop TB Partnership