Nauru Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2015

Publications - Released in 2015

The compilation for this report is part of the Republic of Nauru Government’s commitment to the 2011 United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration to achieve: Zero new HIV infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths. This report will also provide a good baseline for monitoring progress towards the associated targets that call for the reduction on sexual transmission of HIV and elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015.

The Government of Nauru continues to regard HIV and AIDS as a high priority on the country’s socioeconomic development agenda. There can never be any meaningful development if the HIV and AIDS epidemic is not adequately addressed through clear prioritization, implementation and monitoring of high impact interventions which the Republic of Nauru embedded into the Ministry of Health and Medical Service Strategic Plan 2010 – 2015. 



  • Ministry of Health - Nauru