Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Surveys among Vulnerable and Key Populations at Higher Risk in Bhutan, 2016

Publications - Released in 2016

This is the first Integrated Bio-Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) Survey being conducted in Bhutan. Based on the recommendations of the formative assessment on feasibility of IBBS survey in Bhutan conducted in 2014, the IBBS was found to be feasible and acceptable among the High Risk Women (Drayang girls),Transport workers (taxi and truck drivers), armed forces and Drug Users including Injecting Drugs Users, MSM/TG and Migrants workers in Bhutan. The main aim of the survey is to understand the current prevalence of HIV and STI, sexual risk behaviors and vulnerability to HIV infection and the coverage of interventions among the key affected populations (KAPs). 


 Publication(4.22 MB)


  • School of Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Research (SPMER), Kathmandu, Nepal