Integrated Biological-Behavioral Surveillance among Most-at-Risk Groups in Indonesia 2007: High-Risk Men (Fact Sheet)

Fact Sheets - Released in 2007

For HIV surveillance purposes, males in occupational groups known or suspected to be frequent clients of female sex workers (FSW) are considered to be “high-risk men”(HRM). Such men represent an important “bridge” population between FSW, one of the population sub-groups in Indonesia in which the HIV/AIDS epidemic is currently concentrated, and the general population. Surveillance of such bridge groups serves to provide early warning of the potential spread of HIV/AIDS into the general population. In the 2007 IBBS, men were selected from four occupational categories:

  • truck drivers (in Deli Serdang and Batang),
  • seafarers (in Batam, Medan, Semarang, and Surabaya),
  • dock workers (in Jakarta, Merauke, and Sorong),
  • and moto-taxi drivers (in Medan, Banyuwangi, and Jayapura).

This summary presents key findings of the IBBS 2007 for these groups of men.



  • Department of Health (DepKes) - Indonesia
  • National AIDS Commission (KPA) - Indonesia
  • FHI 360 (Family Health International)
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)