Fiji Islands: Global AIDS Progress Report 2012

Publications - Released in 2012

A review of the implementation of the NHSP 2007–2011 was conducted in 2011. An important finding from discussions with a number of partners was that, few, if any of the organisations involved in the HIV response used the NHSP to guide their work. The civil society organisations were usually working in their area of expertise, e.g., counselling or peer education for young people. If their work happened to overlap with an aspect of the NHSP, that was fine. Secondly there was no coordination or monitoring of the work being done by civil society sector and no effort to relate it to what is expressed in the NHSP.

A new National Strategic Plan was developed in 2011 for the period 2012-2015, informed by the findings from the review of the 2007–2011 NHSP. This NSP will put into practice the intentions of the HIV/AIDS Decree. This will ensure that the whole population is aware of the importance of responding to the HIV epidemic, and of doing so in ways that adhere to the human rights and governance framework outlined in the Decree.


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  • Ministry of Health - Fiji