Ending AIDS, Realizing Rights #HLM2016AIDS

Reviews and Snapshots - Released in 2016

In the past 15 years, global progress against AIDS has been significant. Yet achievements have been unequal. Throughout the world, stigma, discrimination and exclusion, as well as imbalanced power and gender relations, continue to make women and girls, young people and key populations vulnerable to HIV and hinder access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services.

The AIDS response has demonstrated the importance and feasibility of overcoming human rights, gender-related and legal barriers to HIV services. The vision of zero discrimination put forward in the UNAIDS 2009–2015 Strategy and endorsed by the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS has inspired action in advocacy, litigation and law reform for the right to health, including access to essential medicines.


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  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)