Best Practices in Child and Adolescent Tuberculosis Care

Publications - Released in 2018

Increasing advocacy and efforts to address childhood tuberculosis (TB) at global and country levels have brought the child and adolescent TB epidemic into the spotlight. Building on global strategies, the first Roadmap for childhood tuberculosis: towards zero deaths was developed by WHO and partners, under the guidance of the then Childhood TB Subgroup, and published in October 2013. The 2013 Roadmap laid out the strategic framework for the fight against childhood TB, aiming for zero TB deaths among children, highlighting ten key actions and the enhanced investment needed to address childhood TB. 

This document compiles examples of best practices at global, regional and country levels since the launch of the first edition of the Roadmap. It describes 36 examples from 24 countries (including 10 TB, two multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and four TB/ human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) high burden countries) from all the six WHO regions, two regional initiatives and 12 global initiatives. The examples are categorized according to the ten key actions from the 2013 Roadmap.



  • World Health Organization (WHO)