Assessment of the Current STI Response in Fiji and Vanuatu, and Exploration of Models to Strengthen Access to STI and HIV Services by Maximizing the Value of Client Interactions with Health Services

Publications - Released in 2013

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are present at high levels in the Pacific, with many countries having Chlamydia rates of >20% among antenatal clinic (ANC) clients. The current assessment examined the STI interventions implemented in Fiji and Vanuatu. 

Both Fiji and Vanuatu would benefit from the increased use of STI (not just HIV) messages in their health communication and HIV prevention efforts. There is also a need to strengthen targeted interventions for HIV and STIs among the key populations at higher risk (KPHR) such as better linkages between civil society peer and outreach and government services, addressing laws that impede access by HPHR and strengthen condom programming. Fiji in particular could make greater use of its NGOs to strengthen targeted interventions for HIV and STIs among key populations at higher risk. Finally, the STI response should be monitored more intensively, including efforts to quantitate the success of partner treatment and syphilis screening efforts. 



  • Ministry of Health - Fiji
  • Ministry of Health - Vanuatu