Bangladesh: Health Bulletin 2016

Publications - Released in 2016

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) conducted the national population census in 2011 and, according to the census, total population of Bangladesh was 149,772,364 on 15 March 2011. According to the SVRS 2015, the estimated population on 1 July 2015 was 158.1 million, with a density of 1,077 per square kilometer. Bangladesh is now going through a demographic transition, and the proportion of the population in the agile labor force (15–59 years age-group) has increased.

Spread across the country, the intricate web of healthcare network comprises entities ranging from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to healthcare facilities down to the community level. Along with the public health departments of the Government, various NGOs and private institutions constitute a large proportion of this web. The Ministry is responsible for formulating national level policy, planning, and decision-making. The national-level policies, plans, and decisions in the provision of healthcare and education are translated into actions by various implementing authorities and healthcare delivery systems across the country. The Ministry and its relevant regulatory bodies also have an indirect control over the healthcare systems of the NGOs and the private sector. 



  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) - Bangladesh