Brunei Darussalam Country Snapshots

Fact Sheets |
Asia Pacific Tuberculosis profile fact sheet: Brunei Darussalam show estimated proportion of TB cases with MDR/RR-TB 2022, TB treatment coverage, TB case notification 2022, TB/HIV care in new and relapse TB patients 2022, TB preventive treatment 2022 and Incidence, New and relapse TB cases notified, HIV-positive TB incidence.

Reviews and Snapshots |
Tuberculosis profiles are generated automatically based on data reported by countries and which are held in WHO's global TB database. The document includes data for estimates of TB burden, UHC and social protection, TB/HIV care in new and relapse TB patients, drug-resistant TB care in the country.

Reviews and Snapshots |
Since the first case of HIV was detected in 1986, HIV prevalence in Brunei Darussalam has remained at <0.1%; however, the number of cases continues to grow and, by the end of 2009, a cumulative total of 56 cases of HIV had been reported together with 11 new cases of HIV for that year alone.