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Displaying results 1301 - 1310 of 4914

Resource | Publications,
The National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS (2014-2018) guides the national efforts to maintain the low prevalence of HIV in the Maldives. The elimination of mother to child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV and syphilis in the Maldives is an important public health milestone reflecting effective and equitable national policies and services that place people first. Universal access to antenatal care and screening for syphilis and HIV is ensured through an extensive network of public sector hospitals, health centres and private health facilities. Prevention of MTCT of HIV and syphilis infection is given special attention within the Reproductive Health (RH) programme. An important target is to screen 100% of women attending ANC clinics for HIV and syphilis.
Resource | Publications,
The H6 Partnership vision — a catalyst for transformation in the United Nations to deliver health results for women, children and adolescents in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Resource | Publications,
Strong global commitment to end AIDS has driven huge progress. In 2017, around 75% of people living with HIV globally knew their HIV status and 59% of all people living with HIV were accessing treatment. However, new HIV infections are not declining fast enough and too many people are still dying from AIDS-related illnesses despite the availability of high-quality and effective treatment. And with 36.9 million men, women and children living with HIV around the world, there are more people than ever before living with HIV. A quarter don’t even know that they have the virus.
Resource | Publications,
On World AIDS Day 2018, HIV testing is being brought into the spotlight. And for good reason. Around the world, 37 million people are living with HIV, the highest number ever, yet a quarter do not know that they have the virus. Knowing your HIV status has many advantages. It is an essential entry point to HIV treatment, prevention, care and support services. People who test positive for HIV should be linked immediately to antiretroviral therapy to keep them alive and well and, when viral load suppression is reached, prevent transmission of the virus.
Resource | Publications,
Over the past nine years, the programme has increased equitable access to quality maternal and newborn health in 39 countries with the highest burden of death and disability. The programme has done this by supporting governments to build capacity and competence in the areas of midwifery, emergency obstetric and newborn care, maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response, and prevention and surgical treatment of obstetric fistula. It has also introduced targeted programmes focusing on first-time young mothers to build and strengthen care-seeking behaviours among young women and improve their access to sexual and reproductive health services. Overall, the activities supported by the Maternal Health Thematic Fund have contributed to averting an estimated 119,127 maternal deaths since 2008.
Resource | Guidelines,
These ASEAN VAWG Data Guidelines bring together leading guidance on the collection of the three main types of VAWG data – administrative data, prevalence data and costing data. These guidelines offer a special emphasis on administrative data on VAWG as little guidance is currently available. In addition, the guidelines provide an overview of the current studies and data available in ASEAN Member States and internationally recognized research and methodologies. The guidelines underline ethical and safety considerations surrounding VAWG data collection, including issues of data security and sharing.
Resource | Publications,
Each year, MSF publishes an International Activity Report and an International Financial Report, with details on our activities in each country. The reports provide global financial and operational information, and reflects on the major challenges we faced over the previous year.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has become one of the world’s most serious health and development challenges since the first cases were reported in 1981. Approximately 77 million people have become infected with HIV since the start of the epidemic. Today, there are approximately 36.9 million people currently living with HIV, and tens of millions of people have died of AIDS-related causes since the beginning of the epidemic.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
Find country-specific data from the Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) in select Together for Girls partner countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR. Scroll through the carousel below to view the documents.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
The TfG fact sheet is your one-stop-shop for information on our global partnership. From TfG data and processes to examples of country-led interventions, this fact sheet is an accessible, compact overview of the TfG global partnership.