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Displaying results 3441 - 3450 of 4914

Resource | Publications,
The report examines the multiple and varied contexts within which drug use (including use of alcohol and non-psychoactive substances, including some hormones and image- and performance-enhancing drugs) and sex work overlap. It provides a snapshot of available evidence on the factors that contribute to vulnerability among people who sell sex and use drugs. Drawing on experience from the harm reduction and sex work communities, the report explores implications for practice, highlighting existing programmes that reach people who sell sex and use drugs around the world, and offering practical suggestions on how programmes can better serve this overlapping population. While this broad and complex area cannot be explored in depth within a document of this length, the report aims to draw attention to this often neglected area, and inform policy and programmatic discussions.
Resource | Publications,
The 2013 Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends: 2005–2012 presents eight years of funding data to characterize annual investments by the world’s leading donors to TB R&D. The report compares current spending in six areas of research with the corresponding R&D funding targets outlined in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to Stop TB 2011–2015 and shows how these levels of investment have changed over time since 2005, the baseline year. The analysis reveals that in all six research categories, actual spending falls far short of the investments required to develop and introduce new tools to fight TB. This is also the first year since TAG began reporting that the global funding total has decreased compared with the previous year—falling by $30.4 million. The $627.4 million spent on TB R&D in 2012 represents just 31.4% of the recommended $2 billion annual investment.
Resource | Presentations,
Country posters of 18 countries prepared by UNAIDS Asia-Pacific Regional Support Team and HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific for the 10th UNAIDS Asia-Pacific Regional Management Meeting, Bangkok, 16-17 November 2013.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
In November 2013, there were 384 new HIV Ab sero-positive individuals confirmed by the STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory (SACCL) and reported to the HIV and AIDS Registry (Table 1). This is 35% higher compared to the same period last year (n=284 in 2012).
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This technical document consists of the epidemiological profile summary along with the available updated information for each district of the State. Each district summary highlights the key epidemiological features of the district and key recommendations based on these findings. The document would be useful to programme managers, academicians and researchers as a quick reference for the HIV/AIDS situation in a district
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This technical document consists of the epidemiological profile summary along with the available updated information for each district of the State. Each district summary highlights the key epidemiological features of the district and key recommendations based on these findings. The document would be useful to programme managers, academicians and researchers as a quick reference for the HIV/AIDS situation in a district.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This technical document consists of the epidemiological profile summary along with the available updated information for each district of the State. Each district summary highlights the key epidemiological features of the district and key recommendations based on these findings. The document would be useful to programme managers, academicians and researchers as a quick reference for the HIV/AIDS situation in a district.
Resource | Fact Sheets,
This technical document consists of the epidemiological profile summary along with the available updated information for each district of the State. Each district summary highlights the key epidemiological features of the district and key recommendations based on these findings. The document would be useful to programme managers, academicians and researchers as a quick reference for the HIV/AIDS situation in a district.
Resource | Publications,
Size estimation of Most-At-Risk Populations is a precursor to effective HIV prevention interventions and epidemic projections in any country. A national study was conducted by the National STI and AIDS Control Program (NSACP), Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka through a consortium of management and technical partners including the Family Planning Association (FPA) of Sri Lanka; University of Manitoba (UoM), Canada; Alcohol and Drug Information Center (ADIC), Sri Lanka. The financial assistance for the study was provided by the Global Fund. The overall goal of the size estimation was to provide accurate information on the size and locations of most-at-risk populations for HIV in Sri Lanka, with a view to helping to improve the scale, quality and impact of HIV prevention programmes among these populations. 
Resource | Publications,
The HIV/AIDS Diagnostics Technology Landscape is published annually and is prepared as part of a broad and ongoing effort to understand the technology landscape for HIV/AIDS. This document is a semi-annual update on the technologies for CD4, viral load, and early infant diagnosis (EID) testing, as well as for the diagnostic pipeline.