Stop TB Partnership

Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by Tuberculosis

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Recognizing that the promotion and protection of the human rights of people affected by tuberculosis is a legal, ethical and moral imperative, as well as of crucial importance for the effectiveness of the response to the epidemic and the relief of suffering among affected individuals and communitie.

Reach the 3 Million: Find. Treat. Cure TB.

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About 3 million people are "missed" each year by health systems and many therefore do not get the TB care that they need and deserve. Many of the missed will die, some will get better, others will continue to infect others.

Engaging All Public and Private Care Providers in Tuberculosis Control

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Whilst access to treatment for tuberculosis (TB) has increased dramatically in the last ten years, not everyone has the same standard of care opportunities. Every day, thousands of TB patients are exposed to low-quality TB care. This not only causes unnecessary suffering and death, often with high costs for patients, but also damages the reputation of health facilities and health staff.

TB: General Facts and Information

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TB is one of the world's top health challenges. More than 2.4 billion people, equal to a one third of the world's population are infected with TB. 3.5 people are either not diagnosed. The proportions of missed cases remains the same each year. Many of those missed will either die, follow some unknown treatment but most will continue to infect others.

Gender Assessment Tool for National HIV and TB Response

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The HIV/TB Gender Assessment Tool developed not only supports countries with the submissions of gender sensitive concept notes to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) but is intended to assist countries to assess their HIV and TB epidemic context and response from a gender perspective, helping them to make their responses gender sensitive and reduce the dual burden of HIV and TB infection.