Women and men at higher risk

Agenda for Zero Discrimination in Health-Care Settings

- Released in
Non-discrimination is a core human rights principle and obligation, but discrimination in health-care settings remains widespread and takes many forms. Discrimination is a barrier to accessing health and community services and prevents the attainment of universal health coverage. It leads to poor health outcomes and hampers efforts to end the aids epidemic and achieve healthy lives for all.

Tuberculosis Prevention and Care for Migrants

- Released in
There are an estimated one billion migrants in the world today, which include 232 million international migrants and 740 million internal migrants. Tuberculosis (TB) imposes great human suffering and loss. 9 million people fell ill with TB worldwide in 2013, with 1.5 million deaths.

FOCUS ON: Key Populations

- Released in
Key populations are people who are at heightened risk of HIV, TB and malaria, and who face reduced access to services, and criminalization, marginalization or human rights violations.