Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

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This document highlights the SAARC regional context and points out major TB, HIV/AIDS and TB/HIV co-infection status and concerns, outlines strategy goal, objectives and expected outcomes. This document also explains the Strategy on the basis of its five different components.
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This report reviews progress made until the end of 2010 in scaling up access to health sector interventions for HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support in low–and middle-income countries.
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This report tries to highlight these successes as much as the work that still needs to be done in order to reduce new infections further and to ensure that all the people in need of treatment receive ARVs.
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The recent HIV estimations highlight an overall reduction in adult HIV prevalence as well as new infections (HIV incidence) in the country, although variations exist across the states. The analysis of epidemic projections has revealed that the number of annual new HIV infections has declined by more than 50 percent during the last decade.
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This report provided a visual of the status of country-level undertakings to date, the partners engaged in the implementation of the UNAIDS Agenda for Women and Girls, as well as the areas in need of additional support.
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This report presents the results of the study entitled Discourses and Representations of HIV in Fiji and their Impact on the Experience of People Living with HIV and AIDS.
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The first round of the IBBA was conducted between 2005 and 2007 and the second round between 2009 and 2010 in the six high prevalence states of India among FSW and their clients, high-risk MSM, transgender, IDU, and truckers.
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Various surveys and studies (e.g. Barbora et al., 2008; Theime, 2006) reveal that migrants are disadvantaged relative to the native population in terms of employment, education and health.
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HSS is the systematic and regular collection of information on the occurrence, distribution and trends of HIV infection and factors associated with the infection for use in Public Health Action.
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An independent and transparent mechanism for the review of the national response to HIV and AIDS – the Independent Review Group (IRG) – was established in 2007 for an initial three year period to assess performance and to fulfill the Global Task Team’s recommendations for accountability and oversight.