Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

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The annual HIV Sentinel Sero‐surveillance survey, the systematic and regular collection of information on the occurrence, distribution and trends of HIV infection and factors associated with the infection, has been carried out since 1992.
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Across the world, many countries and legal jurisdictions have adopted HIV-specific laws or invoked general criminal law to prosecute individuals who allegedly fail to disclose their HIV status prior to sexual relations (HIV non-disclosure), expose others to HIV (HIV exposure), and/or transmit HIV to others (HIV transmission).

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From 1-23 February 2012, the Asia Pacific Community of Practice on HIV, Gender and Human Rights (HIV-APCoP) held an e-discussion on Key Affected Women and Girls in Asia and the Pacific.
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In 2011, the implementation of the second National Strategic Plan on AIDS in Myanmar started. The NSP II covers the period from 2011‐2015. It builds upon the NSP I, but introduces also some changes to the structure and approach.
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HIV stigma and discrimination adversely affect every aspect of life for people living with HIV and their families. In many settings, an HIV diagnosis still can be as devastating as the illness itself, leading to job loss, school expulsion, violence, social ostracism, loss of property, and denial of health services and emotional support.
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These guidelines have been written to serve all medical personal treating patients with HIV in Myanmar. It is meant not only for the National AIDS-STD programme but also for local in international NGOs, hospital doctors, and general practitioners in the public and private sectors.
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TB is responsible for more than a quarter of deaths in people living with HIV. On 25–27 January 2010, WHO conducted a global policy meeting to review the evidence regarding ICF and IPT, and to reconceptualize the 1998 WHO/Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Policy on TB prevention. Key questions were identified and a comprehensive review of the available scientific evidence was conducted to formulate the recommendations.
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This report provides findings from the rollout of the People Living with HIV Stigma Index (PLHIV Stigma Index) in nine countries in the Asia/Pacific Region (Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand).
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This report is designed to strengthen Fiji’s response to HIV and AIDS. The aim of our study was to provide useful data about how Fijians think of and manage their risks of sexual transmission of HIV.
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The present study has been designed to ensure representation of Nepalis living with HIV across the development regions, genders, including the third gender, and various sub-groups of key affected populations, such as FSWs, IDUs and MSM/TG people.