Publications on People Living With HIV (PLHIV)

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This report reflects the views and conclusions of the Commission, as well as its recommendations to countries, civil society actors, the private sector and the United Nations.
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This new issue is based on the results of a new worldwide survey of the foreign representatives of 200 countries, made between November 2007 and June 2008 with the support of the German foreign ministry.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced the concept of HIV elimination through the use of combination prevention and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Additionally, WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched Treatment 2.0 to look at ways to provide better services to a larger number of persons at lesser cost, and in a way that helps to retain them on lifelong ART.
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Presentation on International Trade Rules and Access to Treatment (an Overview) at Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia” Bangkok 29-31 May 2012
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Presentation on The TRIPS Plus Enforcement Landscape at Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia” Bangkok 29-31 May 2012
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Summary of country mapping exercise: Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia. Bangkok, Thailand 29-31 May (2012)
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Presentation on The Shifting Winds: What Future for Sustainable Treatment? at Regional Consultation and Planning Workshop “Use of TRIPS Flexibilities to Access Affordable ARVs in Asia” Bangkok 29-31 May 2012.
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This review examines existing literature on trans people’s human rights and HIV vulnerability across the Asia-Pacific region.
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In this report, we present the results of the People Living with HIV (PLHIV) Stigma Index Survey conducted in Lao P.D.R. from October 2011-February 2012.
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The Global AIDS Response Progress Report (GARPR) reporting period from January 2010 to December 2011 has been prepared through consolidation and analysis of recent Second Generation Surveillance (SGS) data, service utilization reports.