AWN Annul 2nd Report on Convention of the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Afghanistan

Publications - Released in 2016

The Afghan Women's Network (AWN) produced this NGO (Shadow) CEDAW report. As a women's rights network, AWN focuses on women’s equality and empowerment at the policy level and has, over the years, led several initiatives to this end. A CEDAW Initiative Committee (CIC), comprised of twelve members, was established by AWN to develop a joint plan on producing shadow reports.

The purpose of this report is to provide analysis of issues that have been identified in the official government report submitted to the CEDAW Committee in 2011, while also highlighting concerns that have been overseen and following up on developments over the years. The present report is a follow up report that focuses on the continued lack of implementation of existing laws and policy guidelines to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women in Afghanistan.