Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Access to Health Services for Adolescents Under 18 Engaged in Selling Sex in Asia Pacific

Publications - Released in 2014

This paper addresses the sexual and reproductive health (SRH)—including HIV prevention, care and treatment — and other health service needs of adolescents aged 10 – 17 engaged in selling sex in the Asia Pacific region. While the United Nations defines adolescents as 10 – 19, we purposefully focus on ages 10 – 17 due to the unique legal and policy implications faced by this age group as compared to older cohorts. In regards to terminology, the term "engaged in selling sex" is used for its inclusive and non-stigmatising connotations as well as the benefit of a behavioural description to tailoring programmatic interventions.

While the paper predominantly focuses on SRH and health services, we recognise that multiple systems, such as the social welfare and child protection systems, are organized around responding to adolescent needs. In addition, health issues arise from adolescent contact with health, law enforcement and child protection systems.
