The People Living with HIV Stigma Index: Indonesia - April 2020

Publications - Released in 2020

HIV-related stigma and discrimination (SAD) affects the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) worldwide. SAD, appearing in multiple forms such as prejudice, negative attitudes, or abuse, obstructs PLHIV from participating as full members of society and from enjoying the highest attainable living standard. Global authorities have since targeted elimination of SAD, acknowledging its far-reaching impact which makes the prospect of attaining optimal service coverage unlikely. Collecting evidence on the magnitude of SAD is the first step towards formulating and implementing effective programs and policies to combat SAD.

This report presents the results of the PLHIV Stigma Index Indonesia - a community survey to document experiences of SAD among PLHIV in 11 selected districts. Spiritia Foundation commissioned the implementation of the survey to the AIDS Research Center of Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta in close collaboration with the community-based implementing unit organizations (IUs) in each district. The PLHIV Stigma Index 2.0 survey instrument, developed by the Global Network of People Living with HIV, was used to collect information on SAD in PLHIV. Trained enumerators in each district administered the questionnaire and recorded responses electronically.


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  • AIDS Research Center of Atma Jaya Catholic University - Jakarta
  • Spiritia Foundation