HIV and Social Protection Assessment Tool: Generating Evidence for Policy and Action on HIV and Social Protection

Tools - Released in 2016

The HIV and social protection assessment tool is used for a quick scan of existing social protection programmes and their sensitivity (or lack of) to the HIV response in a given country and location. Additional follow-up and research that engages the different critical actors, including HIV programme managers, social protection administrators, beneficiaries and civil society representatives, may be necessary in some contexts. The assessment provides countries and communities with tailored analysis on HIV and social protection.

Information gathered using the assessment tool is intended to support decision-making in strengthening the HIV sensitivity of social protection schemes to better reach people living with HIV, adolescent girls and young women, key populations and others, and inform the development of national HIV-sensitive social protection portals, revision of national AIDS strategies, HIV investment cases, concept notes for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and other social welfare and poverty alleviation programmes.



  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)