Harm reduction for people who use drugs: The Global Fund's priorities for investment and increased impact in HIV programming (2023-2025)

Publications - Released in 2022

This brief is meant to help applicants to the Global Fund plan for and scale up effective HIV and hepatitis C programming for people who use drugs, particularly those who inject. Applicants should consult the Global Fund HIV Information Note and Modular Framework Handbook, which detail the full range of biomedical, behavioral and structural interventions that the Global Fund supports as part of a comprehensive HIV response. This brief, drawing on review of past programming and guidance from UN partners, highlights specific lessons and recommendations for harm reduction programming. Closing the HIV prevention gap for key populations, including people who inject drugs, is a priority in the Global Fund’s 2023-2028 strategy. Removing human rights-related barriers to services, and ensuring that community leadership is at the heart of the HIV response, are also strategic priorities.


 Publication(749.66 KB)


  • The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria