Independent Review Group on HIV/AIDS: Report from an Assessment Visit 28 April-13 May 2011

Publications - Released in 2011

To provide a framework within which to tackle the HIV epidemic, the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) has recently endorsed the National HIV and AIDS Strategy 2011-2015 (NHS). Although this supersedes the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSP), it builds upon it to intensify efforts to reduce the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and to minimise their impact on individuals, families and communities. An NHS Implementation Framework and a National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework provide guidance to partners in developing their annual HIV activity plans and budgets, and in measuring progress in implementing the NHS.

An independent and transparent mechanism for the review of the national response to HIV and AIDS – the Independent Review Group (IRG) – was established in 2007 for an initial three year period to assess performance and to fulfill the Global Task Team’s recommendations for accountability and oversight. The work of the group was extended by the National AIDS Council (NAC) in 2010, for a second three-year period.


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